Sharing is Caring, Especially When It Comes to Cleaning

Quick House Cleaning Strategies

Having a few friends over? With these simple strategies you can finish your house cleaning quickly, and even have some fun.

Start off by keeping all your supplies close at hand. Fill a box or bucket with all your cleaning supplies, and bring it with you to cut down on unnecessary trips and distractions. Keep a damp rag in one pocket and a dry one in another for convenient touch ups.

Cold weather, busy days and fattening holiday meals make it hard to manage your weight. House cleaning is a great way to get in some old fashioned aerobic exercise while checking things off the to do list. Start by setting the mood with some fast paced music. Keep your heart rate up by dancing while dusting, and move fast. Keeping up a fast pace while you’re cleaning will not only burn calories but will save time as well.

Finally, get some incentive other than a clean house. Go and get a manicure when you’re finished, that way you don’t have to worry about ruining your nails, and you’ll give yourself a much needed break after all that hard work.

How to Remove Nail Polish from Upholstery

If you are a female or live with a female, it’s likely that, at some point, you have encountered the nail polish dilemma. The dilemma that steams from the sometimes unavoidable spill or spot that drips onto carpets, rugs and upholstery during at-home, DIY mani/pedi treatments.

But have no fear, we’re here to help. Follow these insider tips and remove nail polish from your upholstery easily.

First, start by quickly blotting up all the excess polish. Be careful not to rub because it will cause the stain to spread. Using an eye dropper, apply a few small drops of acetone to the polish stain. Blot the stain immediately. Repeat this step until the entire stain has been lifted out of the upholstery.

If the stain remains in your upholstery, apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, from an eye dropper, directly to the stain.

Sacred, Clean Space for a Calm, Collected Mind

I recently read an article about the relationship between physical, aerobic activities and mental health. This study conducted by college students throughout Great Britain suggests that high endurance, strenuous activities lead to a healthier, happier person.

While it’s no scientific mystery that exercise increases energy levels and endorphins, it’s interesting that a clean, organized home brings you to the same level of happiness and health. Many people say that a clean and tidy home increases their concentration and focus. This allows them to engage in more meaningful activities with their families. It also brings them to a higher level of overall happiness and contentment.

So when you want to create a happy, sacred space, start by cleaning and organizing your home room-by-room. And when it comes to the carpets, rugs and upholstery cleaning, call Flat Rate Carpet. We will happily come and help you establish a complete clean throughout your entire home.

Moms: More Than Maids

A recent study reveals that stay-at-home moms show more signs of depression than working moms with a “SuperMom” complex. The findings suggest that working moms exhibit signs of better mental health overall as they attempt to find a stable balance between work and home.

Mothers everywhere, regardless of it they stay at home or work, strive to have it all; a happy family, clean home and laundry and dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. But no matter how hard you try, things can’t always be perfect and go the way you want.

Every mom needs a break. Stay at home moms need a break from their house work and children duties. Working moms need some quite time away from job and home responsibilities. Without a break, the relentless routines of cooking, cleaning and caring  or working and home management, start to wear on your will.

Mothers everywhere should treat themselves to something special once in a while. Whether it’s chocolate ice cream for lunch, a mani/pedi at the spa, a new handbag, or a person to do the house cleaning for you, find something that pampers you. Give yourself a break and a peace of mind, for once.

Bed Bugs Strike Back

We all know the childhood nighttime rhyme, “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bug bite,” but did you ever know that bed bugs are real?

According to the Mayo Clinic, bed bugs have a long history of human blood sucking. They live deep in our mattresses and bed frames emerging for their midnight snack on your arms, wrists, necks and faces. After World War II, the United Sates eradicated all the little beasts with a pesticide almost as strong as an atomic weapon. Since then the FDA outlawed its use due to its highly toxic ingredients.

After the pesticide disappeared, the bed bugs came back in growing numbers. Recent research shows that in the last year 95% of professional cleaning services reported an increased infestation of bed bugs in private homes, hotels and college dorms across the US.

These little dark brown bugs wreck havoc in your sheets and, once discovered, require immediate removal. They cause major swelling at the bite sight and irritate allergies in suffers and asthmatics.

If you notice a bed bug infestation in your home, call a professional to eliminate them ASAP. Nothing screams nightmare louder than bed bugs.