Sharing is Caring, Especially When It Comes to Cleaning

Moms: More Than Maids

A recent study reveals that stay-at-home moms show more signs of depression than working moms with a “SuperMom” complex. The findings suggest that working moms exhibit signs of better mental health overall as they attempt to find a stable balance between work and home.

Mothers everywhere, regardless of it they stay at home or work, strive to have it all; a happy family, clean home and laundry and dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. But no matter how hard you try, things can’t always be perfect and go the way you want.

Every mom needs a break. Stay at home moms need a break from their house work and children duties. Working moms need some quite time away from job and home responsibilities. Without a break, the relentless routines of cooking, cleaning and caring  or working and home management, start to wear on your will.

Mothers everywhere should treat themselves to something special once in a while. Whether it’s chocolate ice cream for lunch, a mani/pedi at the spa, a new handbag, or a person to do the house cleaning for you, find something that pampers you. Give yourself a break and a peace of mind, for once.