Sharing is Caring, Especially When It Comes to Cleaning

Back to School Organizing Tips

Back to School | Flat Rate Carpet BlogIt’s back to school season, and your home is probably cluttered with notebooks, pens and new clothes. If your house is a back to school mess, get clean and organized with these simple back to school cleaning tips.

Start the school year right with a designated area for back packs and homework papers. Not only will it keep your house organized, but it will help the students in your home stay organized with their school work.

Get a clip for the refrigerator for any papers that need to be signed, or notices for parents. If there’s always a special place to put important papers, they are less likely to get lost or forgotten.

Is there a mountain of sports equipment, musical instruments, or other after school equipment piling up by your door? Make sure each has a place of it’s own.

Having a large family calendar in a place where everyone can see it (on the refrigerator or by the front door) is the perfect way to make sure important activities aren’t overlooked. If everyone’s schedules are clearly written out, it’s easier to organize rides and make sure everyone gets where they need to be, on time and without multiple trips around town.

Get a jump on the school year by getting your house organized for the school year!

Toxin Free, DIY Dishwasher Detergent

Believe it or not, you really can find a highly effective and powerful, all-natural, home made cleaning solution for everything in your home.

Traditional dishwasher detergent uses some pretty scary sounding chemicals to keep your dishes clean and sparkling. With this recipe, you get the same high quality clean and shine but without all the unpronounceable and toxic chemicals.

  • 2 cups borax
  • 2 cups washing soda
  • 2 cups Lemi Shine
  • 1 cup kosher salt

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and transfer to a storage container. Fill your dishwasher soap well to the line with your mixture, close the door, and hit start every time you run your dishwasher.

To fight off residue, fill the rinse well in your dish washer with distilled white vinegar.

carpet cleaning ny

How to Remove Indentations on Your Carpet

Carpet Indent | Flat Rate Carpet BlogSo you finally went and replaced that old coffee table, but now you have indentations in your carpet where the old one stood for so many years. Getting new furniture is fun, but not when the dents in your carpet won’t go away. Removing furniture dents from carpets is super easy, just follow these quick steps.

First take some ice cubes, one for a small dent and more for a larger mark, and allow the ice to begin to melt into the dent. The melting ice cube should completely fluff up the carpet!

Use a clean, white cloth to blot up any water in the carpet. If the dent is still there, you can use a fork to very gently lift the remaining fibers.

It’s so easy, you’ll never be stuck with unsightly furniture marks again.

Organic Carpet Cleaner Made By You

In today’ world, going green helps maintain the health and stability of the environment, as well as the health of your home and family.

Most traditional cleaning products, especially those designed for carpet cleaning, contain scary and harmful lab-created chemicals that may clean the spots, but really put overall health and safety at jeopardy.

Keep the health of your family and that of Mother Nature at the top of your priorities by making your very own organic carpet cleaning solutions with simple, yet surprisingly powerful, ingredients.

Our recipe leaves your carpets stain and spot free and without any left over chemical residues or other toxins.

Our recipe for an effective do-it-yourself organic carpet cleaner uses three simple, non-toxic and super amazing ingredients:

1 cup baking soda (for super deep scouring and cleansing action that also


absorbs odors)
18 drops natural or organic essential oils (for an all natural lovely scent that lasts)
1 teaspoon liquid soap made from vegetable or nut oils (for total stain and mess removal)

First combine the baking soda and essential oil of your choice. Then add the liquid soap and stir until a creamy paste forms. Next apply to the stained and soiled carpet, scrub with a clean white towel or soft bristle brush. Remove the cleaner by blotting with a dry, clean towel.

Once clean, kick back, relax and take a deep breathe—enjoying the lovely therapeutic scents and the healthy, safe clean of your carpets.


Make Your Own Dishwashing Detergent

Dish Soap | Flat Rate Carpet BlogMaking your own cleaning supplies is simple, easy and inexpensive. With just baking soda, borax and white vinegar you can clean and disinfect nearly everything in your home! This non-toxic home made dishwashing detergent is easy to make, and really works!

In a sealable plastic container, mix equal parts borax and baking soda. If you have hard water then just double the amount of baking soda so that the ratio is two parts baking soda, one part borax. Shake the mixture well, and you’re all done! Use two tablespoons of the mix in each load.

Use white vinegar in the rinse cycle. Not only will white vinegar keep your dishes sparkling but it will also help clean and disinfect your dishwasher!

Making your own dishwashing detergent is as simple as 1, 2, 3!