Sharing is Caring, Especially When It Comes to Cleaning

Clean Your Windows for a Happier Winter

Cat in Clean Window | Flat Rate Carpet BlogIt’s hard to get enough sunshine in the middle of winter, especially since we spend most of our day indoors. We need sunlight to regulate melatonin, give us vitamin D, and to help beat the winter blues. Even if you’re unable to get outside during the day, the sunshine that comes in through the windows is an extremely important source of light. Dirty windows block out a lot of important sunshine, and keeping your windows clean will double the amount of helpful sunlight exposure throughout your day.

To help you maximize the sunshine in your life, we’ve compiled the following tips for super clean windows.

  • Vacuum screens to remove dust.
  • Clean windows with a squeegee, or a soft cloth to avoid the lint left behind by paper towels.
  • Prewash the outside of the windows with a hose or water to remove excess dirt.
  • On the outside of the house, wash windows up and down, and on the inside, wash them side to side – that way if there are streaks on the windows, you’ll know which side needs to be rewashed.

To make you’re own window washing liquid, just mix distilled white vinegar with water and wash away. If you’re using white vinegar for the first time, add a drop of dish washing soap to the mixture. Conventional window cleaners leave behind a waxy residue, which will leave streaks if you wash the windows with vinegar, however the drop of dish soap will remove the residue and make your windows shine.

You don’t have to freeze outside to enjoy the benefits of natural sunlight. Wash your windows well and bathe your home or office in light.

Winter Cleanup: Mattresses and Health

Messy Bed | Flat Rate Carpet BlogKeeping your mattress clean is not always the easiest task. Even if you change your sheets often, and don’t have any young children or pets, mattresses should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a year. In between professional cleanings there are many steps you can take to ensure that your mattress has a long and clean life.

We don’t like to think about it, but mattresses are weighed down with dust, dead mites, skin cells, sweat, hair and other bodily fluids. Even the cleanest mattresses will accumulate much of this over time, so it’s important to vacuum your mattress regularly. Vacuuming your mattress helps remove much of the dust, skin and bugs from the surface before they get worked deep into the mattress itself.

Getting a mattress cover is another great way to protect your mattress. Some people cover mattresses in a sealed plastic cover. Although these covers work well to protect the surface of the mattress, they can be uncomfortable. Foam or cloth mattress covers are comfortable to sleep on, and are less expensive to replace than a new mattress.

A thorough, professional mattress cleaning is the best way to keep your mattress in great condition. Professional cleaning removes deep down grime, sweat and other liquids that vacuuming can’t reach.

Winter is the perfect time to get your mattress professionally cleaned. A clean mattress will help you stay healthy by limiting your exposure to germs. People usually have their carpets, mattresses and upholstery cleaned in the Spring. Since it’s a slower season, cleaning companies have amazing deals in the winter. Getting your mattress cleaned now will cost less, and keep you healthier all winter long.

We spend nearly a third of our day in bed, why not make it a clean and comfortable space?

How to Remove Champagne Stains

Champagne | Flat Rate Carpet BlogMost people who host a New Year’s party spend the night worrying about red wine spills and ground up appetizers ruining their rug, but few think about spraying champagne all over the house at midnight. Although champagne is colorless and bubbly, it can still leave behind marks on furniture and other fabrics. Here are some simple tips in removing champagne stains.

Add a small drop of dish soap to warm water and mix. Dip a clean, white cloth into the solution and gently dab the stain. Repeat the process until you’ve covered the whole area.

Next use a different clean, white cloth and redab the area with warm water to rinse.

This method will get champagne stains out of upholstery, carpets and clothing without any added hassle.

If only everything in 2013 will be this easy!

How to Clean Glitter

Glitter | Flat Rate Carpet BlogSure the pink, princess glitter costume is going to be a big hit for Halloween, but you’re not looking forward to spending the next few months cleaning glitter off of every surface. Here are some easy ways to clean glitter off fabric and furniture.

To remove glitter from washable fabrics, all you need is a can of aerosol hairspray. Thoroughly spray the glittered area with hairspray and allow the hairspray to dry completely. Wash the clothing as you would normally, and the glitter should come off completely (without sticking to anything new). You may have to repeat the process twice if not all the glitter comes off on the first try.

For removing glitter from furniture and other non-washable fabric, you have a few options. If you have a lint/pet hair remover in the house, they are also great at removing glitter. Use the sticky, rolling kind for optimal glitter removal. However you don’t need to run out of the house and buy a rolling lint remover, you can make your own by wrapping masking tape around your hand, sticky side out. Then just pat your hand over the glitter until it all comes up. You may have to change the tape a few times, but in the end you’re house will be glitter free.

Make this Halloween stress free with this great way to clean up glitter.

How to Remove Coffee Stains

Coffee Stain | Flat Rate Carpet BlogIt doesn’t matter how careful you are, at one point in time we all wind up with a big coffee stain. Whether you’ve spilled coffee all over a new shirt on the way to work, or on a nice new table cloth, we have the tricks you need to remove coffee stains.

As quickly as you can, try to blot up any coffee with a clean paper towel. Gently blot the area with a clean piece of towel each time until no more coffee is coming up. Remember never to rub the area or you’ll wind up helping the stain to spread further.

Next, make your own stain remover by mixing distilled white vinegar, cold water and a bit of powdered laundry detergent. Mix all three until it makes a little paste, the same consistency as toothpaste. Gently spread the paste on both sides of the fabric and let it sit for about five minutes.

Using a toothbrush or other gentle brush, scrub both sides of the fabric with simple, circular motions, and then rinse with cold water.

Pretreat the area with a dab of liquid laundry detergent before laundering regularly.

As with any stain treatment, make sure that you test the stain remover on a small, inconspicuous, area of the fabric to make sure that it doesn’t discolor the fabric.

Remember to treat stains as quickly as possible to ensure that the stain comes out completely.

Don’t let a little coffee spill ruin your fabrics ever again with this easy coffee stain remover.