Sharing is Caring, Especially When It Comes to Cleaning

Going Green in Your Home Part II

If you want to cut down on the harmful VOC’s in your home, there are some easy steps you can take, all of which will protect your health and will significantly reduce your carbon footprint too.

  • Increase ventilation indoors – open windows regularly
  • Don’t store partially used containers – fumes can leak out
  • Avoid disinfectants and paint thinners that contain high concentrations of the chemicals propane, butane, methyl chloride, formaldehyde, acetone, ethyl alcohol, or hexenol

But the single most important thing you can do is to switch to “green” cleaning products. They’re available in every city, and they’re non-toxic, and bio-degradable, containing no harsh chemicals or unpleasant fumes.

Companies like Green Depot and Earth Choice are committed to producing solutions that are made from renewable resources, and making sure that you get a safe and healthy clean. Your home will be just as clean but your kids and pets won’t be breathing in VOCs, and you’ll be doing your bit for the planet too.

Get buying!

Going Green in Your Home – Part I

Watch out for the VOC’s in your cleaning products!

VOC’s are chemical carbon compounds that evaporate in your home, under normal temperatures. What many of us don’t know is that that they can be found in all kinds of cleaning products and can really compromise the health of you and your family. And they thrive indoors, because there’s a lack of air circulation.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) explains that health problems such as “eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches, loss of coordination, nausea; damage to liver, kidney, and central nervous system” can all be signs of exposure to VOC’s.

It’s no surprise then that more and more people are turning to green products when they clean their homes, because they want to stay healthy. But knowing about VOCs isn’t enough – you have to know how to make your home “green”. In part II, we’ll be discussing steps you can take to make green living a reality for you.

Energy Saving Tips in the Home Part II

Here are some more energy saving tips to not only cut down on your electric, water, and gas bills, but also your carbon emissions!

  • Lighting: Replace ordinary incandescent light bulbs with compact, fluorescent bulbs. They are more energy-efficient (using 75% of the energy a regular bulb would) produce less heat, and last longer
  • Unplug Appliances When Not in Use: If the cord is still plugged into the socket, its likely that the charger or appliance is still consuming electricity, even if it is turned off or the gadget is not attached to the charger
  • You can invest a small amount of money in water saving shower and faucet heads that aerate the water and dramatically reduce the amount of water used in your home
  • Plant trees around your house that will grow large in the coming years. This will help shade your house in the summer, blocking out the sun and giving the whole house some cooling relief

For more steps on how to reduce energy consumption, check out the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy at and

Energy Saving Tips in the Home Part I

Have an especially high energy bill this month? Looking for ways to cut corners on your budget and leave a smaller carbon footprint? Here are some helpful hints on how to save energy and money in the home.

  • Insulate and Seal Air Leaks: This creates a constant in-home temperature and prevents cool air from escaping in the summer and heated air from escaping in the winter
  • Heating and Cooling: Set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature when using heat, and the highest comfortable temperature when cooling the house
  • Ventilation and Air Ducts: Clean out ventilation system and check for any leaks
  • Work with the Sun: During the summer, keep the window blinds closed to prevent the sun from heating your house further, and in the winter, open the blinds to allow the sun to heat the air inside
  • Appliances: When buying new appliances, always choose energy-efficient ones with up-to-date technology. Make sure to also compare the operating cost of the appliance with the purchasing cost of the appliance