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Keeping your carpet clean when you have a dog

Has anyone said to you: “You can’t buy a carpet for your house, you have a dog!” (or a cat, or a rabbit or a guinea pig or any other pet that roams the house)? You might have heard that once or twice in your life if you’re a pet owner who has considered adding carpets to your home décor. Many people think that pets and carpets simply don’t go together, and there are several reasons for that.

Keeping your carpet clean with a dog

This is a shallow DOF and copy space of shag rug.

Pets and carpets – not necessarily a bad combination

First, unless you own a Sphinx cat, it’s guaranteed your pet will shed fur all over the house, and this includes the carpets. Pet hair tends to stick to carpets due to their tightly knit fibers. In addition, pets might stain the carpets in any number of ways: muddy paws, rolling on their back on the carpet and rubbing into it whatever they had rubbed in outside (which may sometime be pretty vile stuff), urine, poop (or worse, diarrhea), vomit and saliva. Besides stains, pets who roam outside the house might bring in fleas, bacteria, dust, sand, leaves, little bugs, etc.

Don’t despair, though. It’s actually possible to own pets and have clean carpets at the same time. We’ve got some tips and tricks which will help you achieve perfect harmony between your pet and your carpets. Read on to discover how to clean dog poop off carpet, how to keep carpets free of cat hair, how to clean dog urine off carpet, how to avoid stains from muddy paws or dirty fur and how to avoid sand, fleas and debris brought inside by your pets.

Tips for keeping your carpets clean when you own pets

So here’s the list you should print and tape to your fridge so that everyone in your house knows how to protect the carpets from your dog or rabbit:

  • Keep them paws clean – If you have a pet that regularly goes outside, like a dog, prepare in advance for a case of muddy paws. Keep a towel outside the door, and before you let the dog in, kneel down and wipe its paws vigorously.


  • Minimize shedding – to keep fur on the carpets to a minimum, brush your pet regularly. The more hair you get on that brush, the less will end up on the carpet.


  • Keep a stain remover handy – even a well-trained dog can have accidents and poop, pee or vomit on the carpet by mistake. Purchase a carpet cleaner for dog urine (and other nasty stuff) and keep it on a shelf, together with rags, disposable wipes or paper towels. This way you’ll always be ready to clean up when an accident occurs.


  • The vacuum is your best friend – there’s no way around it, if you want to keep your carpets in good condition when you own a pet, a vacuum is a must. It can get all the teeny-tiny dust particles and bacteria out of the carpet fibers, as well as fleas and sand. Vacuum your carpets regularly, at least once a week.


  • Add a professional carpet cleaning NYC service to your speed-dial – While all the methods above are great for daily maintenance of your carpets, once in a while you’ll want to get a professional job done on them, to get the tough stains out and restore their freshness and luster. A professional service like Flat Rate Carpet will clean your carpets effectively, using methods like dry cleaning or steam cleaning.

We hope you’ve found this article helpful! Whether you need to clean dog pee off carpet, clean cat hair off carpet, clean dog vomit off carpet, or clean guinea pig urine off carpet, you’ve got many methods to do that; and when worse comes to worst, you can always call a professional.

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